Grace Masak foundation will seek to address the child streetism, labour situation for females engaged in hawking, commercial
sex etc, through the following strategic interventions.
PREVENTION:- Sustain awareness creation program/activities to highlight the dangers associated with child labour by organizing
community consultative meetings with opinion leader, parents, women’s groups and the children in collaboration with
department of assemble Awutu Afutu Senya District Assembly and AMA, as well as other relevant sect oral agencies to ensure
the enforcement of existing laws protection children rights.
WITHDRAWAL: - Collaborate with the Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, WAJU and National
Commission on Women and Development as well as other INGO/NGO’s to ensure adequate measures for effective withdrawal
activities. This will include the establishment of mechanism for the withdrawal of child sex workers, in particular and other
worst forms of child labour, screening them medically, assessing their needs and providing career counseling/guidance.
REHABILITATION/RE-INTEGATION:- Collaborate with relevant agencies, both government and non governmental to ensure proper
mainstreaming of identified CWFL through the provision of rehabilitation service, including counseling, negotiations and provision
of employable vocational skills training
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