Grace Masak foundation is a registered non-profit organization incorporated under the companies code 1963 (Act 179) as
a charity recognized by the Department of Social Welfare as a non-governmental organization. Our certificates include: Certificate
of Recognition N.G.O. Number G 2954, Certificate of Incorporation Number G – 17 – 499 and Certificate
of Commence Business Number G – 17 – 449. The foundation is faith-based, with the primary objective to
facilitate provision of educational, vocational and other rehabilitation services to orphaned, vulnerable and homeless children/youth,
with the view to empower them to live in a manner that allows for their maximum independence and integration into mainstream
society and development.
Within a relatively short period of five years existence, the foundation has grown into a leading development foundation
in its locality. As at now, we are promoting human resource development, reaching out to all age groups and females especially.
Already, it has helped, and re-built the lives of many vulnerable children/youth. Some of them are already integrated in their
communities and living productive lives now.
The foundation has established a Youth Leadership Development/Vocational Skills Training Centre to provide transit shelter
for disadvantaged girls, as well as a resource center for life skills training, career counseling and guidance. The foundation
also provides personal welfare services to support all the vulnerable children in difficult situations e.g. in time of sickness,
birth, death, natural disaster etc. We also encourage and support them to cope with losses.
Weekly street meetings and fellowship with homeless children in the street are organized. During this programme staff/missionaries
meet and fellowship with groups of street children. Counseling services are offered and personal welfare assistance to those
who are identified with personal and material needs.
We also provide education and preventive information to vulnerable children who have no access to information to understand
what HIV/AIDS is and help them to understand the nature of the infection as well as the consequences.
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