Now the population in Ghana is rising and street children are also increasing. The number of children at the grace Masak
Foundation is increasing at a very high rate. Most of the youth who complete their junior and senior high education and do
not pass their exams turn to the street, others roam bout aimlessly, some to the market, whiles others join bad company because
they want the easiest way of making money so that they can earn a living. The Grace Masak foundation tries as much as possible
to bring them together, train them so that they can also work, or set up their own small scale businesses which can take care
of them and their families. And that will also make them useful to the society and a blessing to the world at large.
Most of these children are very intelligent; they have big dreams and are aiming so high, how can they survive alone on
the streets? They need you and me to extend a little helping hand to them. With Mrs. Mildred alone the dreams of these young
ones might not be realized. There is pleasure in loving than being loved. So please extend your love care and support to these
children in cash or in kind. There is much blessing in giving than in receiving. By joining hands we can give these street
children and orphans a better life and their dreams will be a reality.
God bless you.
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